Saturday, November 21, 2009

FrostFire BGM- Miniboss theme

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Child Nicolas Sketch


I hate not having a scanner anymore...

ANYHOO, probably gonna take this image and make a nice trace of it on my tablet pc. Then make a spiffy CG art for it. Just felt like drawing today for some reason.

Oh yeah those are his weapons as a child. *Spoiler... sorta...*

Monday, November 16, 2009

ProjectFF BGM- Boss theme 1: Beryl

Sunday, November 15, 2009



I'll be passing these out at Kajonk-a-con to get the word out about myself and project frostfire. Anyone who's going be sure to look for the guy selling himself out like a 99 cent prostitute!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A cold Autumn wind blows...

Well it's already November and things are going well, I'm actually starting to ponder a winter release ;D as it would probably be fitting for the game's setting. We'll just have to see how much dev I can get javascript:void(0)done in the meantime. I've made a few more leaps in the engine design and now I'm currently working on a tool for me to rapidly create levels and stages dynamically. It will also incorperate functionality for me to build story scenerios within the game. Sort of a makeshift scripting language somewhat... but yeah here's hoping that I can get enough done to have a demo for you all by this Winter!

If anyone is interested in helping with the project, I'm currently looking for talented pizel artists, concept artists, and musicians. Anyone interested send me a sample of your work to

Until next time!